The topic "Governance" focuses on the ethical and responsible behavior of the company, in relation to society as well as within the Group and its business activities. Corporate responsibility is demonstrated by assuming a leadership role and acting as a role model in overcoming social challenges. In this area, the MERKUR GROUP pays particular attention to the topics of channeling and player protection, anti-corruption, compliance, and data protection.
The company is also strongly committed to the protection and promotion of human rights in a global context. One example of this is the integration of these aspects into supplier management.
As a contribution to governance and against the backdrop of the legal channeling mandate, which falls to licensed and therefore proven and reliable gaming providers, attention is paid to the best possible implementation of the highest possible standards of youth and player protection.
In the State Treaty on Gambling, the federal states issue the so-called statutory "channeling mandate" to licensed and therefore proven reliable gambling providers such as the MERKUR GROUP. This mandate obliges us to "channel the natural gambling instinct of the population into orderly and supervised channels and to counteract the development and spread of unauthorized gambling in black markets" by offering suitable and entertaining legal gambling (§ 1 sentence 1 no. 2 GlüStV 2021). Only licensed, reputable gambling providers can prevent fraud and manipulation, strictly adhere to the protection of minors, and provide an early, competent, and effective helping hand to players who are at risk of developing a gambling disorder. In the illegal black market, player and youth protection, fraud and crime prevention do not take place at all. The MERKUR GROUP fulfills this legally and socially very important task of channeling existing consumer demand away from the black market towards the legal market by providing safe, reliable, and entertaining gaming offers that meet the needs of the gaming guests. We also participate constructively in social and political debates on the channeling-oriented advancement of gambling regulation in Germany and beyond.
The successful channeling of public demand into the legal market and the implementation of the highest player and youth protection standards are two sides of the same coin. After all, player protection only takes place in legal gambling. Illegal black-market providers are neither interested in the well-being and health of their guests, nor will they take measures to protect them from financial overload and debt. Player protection, on the other hand, is a high priority for the MERKUR GROUP: the Group's central prevention department, which has been in place since 2010, monitors and optimizes all player protection measures across all gaming formats in our diverse stationary and online gaming offerings on an ongoing basis, with a large workforce, and always in line with the latest research and knowledge. The MERKUR GROUP is advised and supported in this by our "Gambling Commission", an expert committee of internationally renowned prevention and player protection experts, which acts independently of the management and the prevention department.
Sustainable procurement principles are a key component of supplier management. Social and environmental standards have been integrated into the supply chains in various working groups. To ensure that the Sustainability requirements in the supply chain are met, the MERKUR GROUP regularly carries out risk analyses, surveys, and audits of suppliers. These measures form the basis for future preventive and remedial measures.
The term compliance covers a wide range of topics: from data protection and the protection of trade secrets to ensuring and adhering to all licensing and legal requirements. As a globally active group of companies, the MERKUR GROUP always has an equal eye on various international laws and regulatory regimes. Our compliance officers continuously monitor the legal conformity of all company activities. Since 2014, regular compliance officer workshops have been held to discuss the key points of the constantly growing number of laws and regulations worldwide, legal sources for avoiding risks, and new options for action. This network currently comprises twelve nations and 37 compliance officers.
The Internal Audit department, which develops measures to optimize business processes and day-to-day business, is another body responsible for ensuring compliance, efficiency, and functionality of group-wide processes within the company.
When handling the data of gaming guests, business partners, and employees, the company takes responsibility for the protection of sensitive and/or personal information. The topics of data protection and digitalization are closely interlinked within the MERKUR GROUP and enjoy a high priority. Due to the increasing requirements and the resulting greater responsibility to comply with regulations, the central data protection department was established in 2017. By acting ethically and in compliance with data protection regulations within the Group, we are helping to promote digital sustainability.