Playing is a part of our culture and accepted in all walks of life. One game variation is to play games for money, the desire for which is present in varying degrees in every human being. Everyone plays - either to win or to compete with others. And as for any game, it is important to comply with rules and stay within certain limits when playing for money, in order to keep your gaming experience a happy one.
Due to this fact, all legal gaming formats in Germany are tightly regulated by means of numerous laws and regulations. With these guidelines, the State controls the organisation, execution and placement of public gaming, in order to simultaneously ensure a limited, legal range of gaming offerings as well as youth and consumer protection.
The MERKUR GROUP, as a manufacturer of amusement and gaming machines and exemplary operator of gaming venues, is committed to consumer protection and a responsible handling of possible gaming risks. Consequently, this topic is given a special place within all the gaming formats we offer, e.g. in arcades, casinos and sports betting.
In order to document the great importance given to the consumer protection topic, the Central Prevention Unit was created in 2010, which coordinates and controls all of the Group's preventative measures and advises management on all issues relating to the topics problematic gaming behaviour and gambling addiction. How many people can actually be classified as pathological players is very difficult to ascertain. All available studies show that the percentage share of these players in Germany remains at a constant, very low level. Scientists assume that only about 10 out of every 1,000 players attract attention with pathological gaming behaviour. Germany, therefore, lies at the lower end of the European rankings. For over 99 percent of our guests our game offerings are a harmless pastime. According to all studies only 0.19 to 0.82 percent of the adult population experience problematic gaming behaviour.
The MERKUR GROUP receives scientific support on consumer protection from a nationally and internationally recognised team of experts. The MERKUR GROUP's Player Protection Commission was established in 2011 and, along with representatives from management and the Central Prevention Unit, consists of internationally recognised experts and thus forms the essential component in all of the Group's consumer protection measures.
The most important starting point for our prevention activities is a diverse and comprehensive information policy, which empowers both those affected, their family members, employees and in particular also the public, to openly and freely engage with this topic without prejudice. Individuals who are affected and their families are thus given the opportunity to inform themselves comprehensively and easily and to take up offers of help. At the same time, a continuous promotion of awareness regarding player protection issues enables employees to deal safely and confidently with this subject for the well-being of gaming customers and to offer assistance where it is needed.
In addition, a strict alcohol ban has been in place in all MERKUR Casino arcades since 1985, in order to ensure that our guests keep a "clear head". Furthermore, the German Amusement Machine Industry has agreed on profit and loss limits, which play a crucial role in consumer protection. According to a study by the Fraunhofer Institute, the average player spends 10.89 euros per hour.
Use the free advice offered by the Federal Center for Health Education or the advice center search to find a counseling center near you if you no longer have your gambling behavior under control or need help for people close to you.